British Computer Society (July 2020)

The talk "Why J-Core is Cool" is in the BCS playlist An Evening on FPGAs, first entry after the introduction.

Embedded Linux Conference (April 2016)

The talk Building a CPU from Scratch: jcore Design Wakthrough has video on youtube (re-uploaded after an accident), and here are the slides.

Linux Jamboree #54 (September 2015)

We went back to Linux Jamboree (the 1pm timeslot) to give an open processor tutorial where we gave away a dozen Numato Mimas v2 boards to the audience, and as our panel description said:

This tutorial demonstrates downloading this source release, installing build tools, building and installing a J2 processor "bitstream" to FPGA hardware, building and installing a small Linux system for it, and booting Linux to a shell prompt.

The video is in two parts, the first by Rob Landley (visibly recovering from food poisoning the night before) and the second by Jeff Salmon.

Linuxcon Japan 2015

The Turtles All the Way talk at Linuxcon Japan wasn't recorded by the event organizers (to our surprise), but Linux Weekly News covered it, and the slides are avaialble.

Linux Jamboree #52 (April 10, 2015)

The earliest public presentation of J-core to a technical audience was at the 4pm session of Linux Jamboree 52 (more or less a quarterly Tokyo LUG meeting). There is video on youtube (parts in english, parts in Japanese) and here are the slides (all in english).